Team 11- Secondary AML

Attachment structures : 

Service d’oncologie-hématologie pédiatrique

Unité Inserm 1218- ACTION (Action for Oncogenesis understanding and Target Identification)

Adress : 

Hôpital des Enfants, CHU de Bordeaux, Place Amélie Raba-Léon, 33076, Bordeaux

Team website : none

CONECT-AML  project leader in this team : 

  • Stéphane Ducassou, MCU-PH

Other project participants in the team : 

  • Emilie Wallet, ARC coordinateur

Summary of the project :

Secondary AMLs remain a subgroup of poor prognosis, whose cytogenetic and molecular characteristics as well as their prognostic value differ in part from de novo AML. The purpose of setting up a prospective collection of these data is to advance understanding of the physiopathology supporting the development of secondary AML and to highlight molecular anomalies that can be the subject of targeted therapy