Pediatric acute myeloid leukemia

CONECT-AML (COllaborative NEtwork on research for Children and Teenagers with Acute Myeloid Leukemia) is a collaborative network of several teams of researchers, medical biologists and pediatric hematologists, spread throughout metropolitan France, working on acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in children and adolescents.
The aim of this national network is to accelerate research and improve the care of these young AML patients.

CONECT-AML was born out of the reflection generated by the Programme d’Actions Intégrées de Recherche (PAIR) in pediatric oncology, under the impetus of the INCa (Institut du Cancer) in close collaboration with the French Society for the Fight against Childhood and Adolescent Cancer and Acute Leukemia (SFCE).

This project is funded by the French National Cancer Institute, the French League against Cancer and the ARC Foundation as part of the Programme d’Actions Intégrées de Recherche (PAIR) in pediatric oncology (InCa-ARC-LIGUE_11905 grant). It is also supported by the association Laurette Fugain, the Association for Research on Hematological Diseases of Children (ARMHE) and the association Les 111 des arts.

It is coordinated by Pr Arnaud PETIT with the support of Pr Guy LEVERGER (Trousseau Hospital, APHP; Sorbonne University).


ALARM3 research protocol launched

The ALARM3 protocol (NCT05772559) is a research project aimed at gaining a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in relapse and resistance in pediatric acute leukemia (AML). This project is focused on relapse and will include: 1\ Genomic characterization at initial diagnosis and relapse of AML cells and mesenchymal stem cells, 2\ Evolution of drug […]

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